Those business tycoons of America, who intentionally prepared a Second World War, made the multi-nation Holocaust possible and are thus responsible for all
Editors Note: ( Ralph Turchiano) - Very controversial and hypothetical, yet confirmed as a high impact published study. There are two links here to the study, one being the PDF file here and the other to the the study in the Journal Epidemiology: Open Access. It is being posted here due to its impact, the validity of the sources…
It is difficult to admit, but the Anglo-Saxons do not hide from it. To paraphrase a famous quote from the first Secretary General of the Alliance, NATO was designed to "keep Russia out, the Americans in and the European Union under trusteeship"..
What if someone of consequence and world attention, difficult for US monopolized and controlled media to ignore, reminded us that one year before receiving a bullet to his brain, King had made bold print headlines in newspapers worldwide reading, "KING CALLS US “GREATEST PURVEYOR OF VIOLENCE IN THE WORLD. (("Beyond Vietnam A Time to Break