As someone who has spent most of his executive career working in Silicon Valley, Pragmatic Semiconductor CEO David Moore is well placed to contribute to the debate over whether the Californian tech ecosystem should be replicated in Cambridge lock stock and smoking barrel.
Intel CEO Sandra Rivera said the programmable chips Altera designs are useful for AI applications and computing tasks that fall in between the purpose-built custom processors designed by cloud computing companies like and the general-use AI chips made by Nvidia.
Intel has launched Altera as an independent company which will focus on FPGA hardware. While Altera is a separate company, Intel will hold a majority stake in the company so it'll be influential.
WiSig Networks said it spearheaded the development of the solution on chipset from Intel s Programmable Solutions Group (PSG) which it claims to deliver a 10 times improvement in uplink cell edge coverage.
Intel revealed that its standalone FPGA company previously known as the Programmable Solutions Group will take its original Altera name and chase a $55 billion-plus market opportunity.