This is just over two hours and 20 minutes. Let me call this hearing to order. We are here to examine the implementation of the drinking and wastewater portions of the bipartisan infrastructure law, this is helping to deliver clean Drinking Water to millions of households and schools across our country. Before we do that, let me say how grateful i am to both panels for joining us today, including representatives of Drinking Water and large utilities. We are appreciative of the assistant administrator who leads epas office of water. The love our guests. We want to remember this day. Yesterday, the Biden Administration took a major step in addressing the presence of toxic forever chemicals in our Drinking Water. This announcement was some 20 years in the making, and issue we are dealing with in 48 states. I want to commend the administrator, assistant administrator and all of epa for proposing a thoughtful, sciencebased National Drinking standard. Its a critical step to protecting Drinki
Chair brown the committee will come to order. Thank you to the witnesses for joining us. This hearing is a continuation of our efforts to enact longterm reauthorization of the Flood Insurance program and fip programs. It has been extended 28 times since december 2017. The latest extension will expire march 8 of this year. We will disclose we will discuss local leader perspectivesolutions to the risks that flooding poses to committees across the country. Tion, housing, each of these is a priority for this committee. These leaders know all too well, flooding is the most costly Natural Disaster facing the country. It is devastating to communities in every state. That is one good reason that mayor patterson is here from my state. Landuse patterns play a role in whether people want to and whether people want to admit it or not, Climate Change is only making it worse. It is making extreme weather events more frequent, less predictable and more extreme across the country. This month, streams
Begin their rapid assault under the cover of the cobras helicopters. Against his goals. At the same time as this trip in the distance 50 km from the Tactical Command control center that was detected by the drone. It will be destroyed by shafaq havani missile. Ready for any tactical and technical operations, whether at night or during the day, alhamdulillah, you can see these flights of cobras , alhamdulillah, all of them are aimed at late point missile systems. And not intelligent, according to the commander of the Ground Forces, here a networkbased war has been provided, the weapons are networked with each other so that they can support each other, that is, both drones and missiles will return, and the missiles will return. Units the enemys armor is retreating. Now, the Ground Forces from the army have been deployed to support the forces that are deep in the enemys territory. The commandos carry out their mission and the observers evaluate this exercise as successful. All wars in the
Stephanie greece has responded to that ultimatum in europe by asking for a new bailout. Today, the greeks formally asked for a new bailout. In return, greece said it would impose tax reform as early as next week. This morning, the greek Prime Minister promised to deliver. In the next two to three days, we will put forward concrete proposals in detail and i am confident we will be able to meet the obligations of the crucial times. Stephanie the European Commissioner meanwhile says there is a scenario if greece has to leave euro. We will hear from the Economic Affairs commissioner in europe in the next hour. Erik in china, the government is trying to stop a meltdown. Nothing is working and on paper, investors have lost trillions of dollars. Down with 30 since june 12. Here is the issue. Much of that money is wrote money. Borrowed money. At one point, walk locked out of the market because the trigger had been tripped. Jpmorgan is preparing to settle federal investigation into credit card
Good morning everyone. Im joe the American Enterprise institute and i want to welcomen everyone here in our comforter and everyone watching through electronic means to conference t today addressing the general and very specific question also of stabilizing the Health Insurance market under the Affordable Care act and, in particular, some proposal made by a group of eight governors will actually be following the panel. You may wonder why we have the governor speaking after us and the answer is travel considerations. Fortunately, although this panel is certainly not obligated to confine their remarks solely to the governors proposal, fortunately, the governor did put out a letter last week that is really quite easy to summarize. I will start by summarizing and raising the point so that everyone has a basic grounding in what the governors are talking about and, to some extent, the basic grounding about what were talking about, as well. So, they identify really three categories of actions