And prayers are with the relatives of the passengers and of course our crew. Cory spanish and german officials are joining hundreds of french firefighters and police trying to recover bodies. The search will resume tomorrow morning. The plane went down in a remote area that is difficult to access. President obama backed off from plans to cut the size of military force in afghanistan. The president agreed to keep troop levels at the current 9800. President obama its the judgment of general campbell and others on the ground that providing this additional time frame, for us to be able to help the Afghan Security forces succeed, is well worth it. Cory the president is still sticking to his timetable to withdraw nearly all u. S. Troops from afghanistan by the time he leaves office in 2017. The president spoke also about the Iranian Nuclear deal in talks in switzerland this week. Take a listen. President obama im confident if there is an agreement, it will be a good agreement that is good fo
As long as you have your maintenance schedule in place and follow all the procedures together with the manufacturer, theres no issue with the age of an airplane. Cory the white house says there is no indication of terrorism, but investigators are puzzled that the crash happened in broad daylight and in good weather. Israel denied a report its bite on Nuclear Talks between the u. S. And iran. The wall street journal had the story. Speaker boehner i was surprised by the report that information was being passed on from the israelis to members of congress. I am not aware of that at all. Cory talks with iran are expected to resume on thursday with john kerry traveling back to switzerland to meet his iranian counterpart. Russia policy foreign minister may join on friday. President obama has welcomed the new afghanistan president. He wants to keep u. S. Troops in afghanistan for longer but president obama wants to withdraw nearly all of them by the time he leaves office. Sales of new homes hi
We were all bemoaning the fact before the injury, we got to wait eight days before the finals. Now its awfully nice we have the time for him to heal. How big a deal is this if he cant play . Oh, its huge. This is the second best player on the team. Hes an allstar. The warriors are the favorite to win the series. Vegas odds back that up. But im telling you, if klay cant go and you were to tell me hes out for the entire series, its much more a pick em than decisive favorites. There are a lot of very important steps to take to get through this protocol. Looking historically, weve talked about a best case scenario. What could be the worst case . Worst case is we see him game 1 next season. We all hope that doesnt happen, but we see this certainly with football, but you see it in all sports. Concussions can be four days, a week, two weeks, a month. You just dont know. Obviously, its good we have the extra week, frank, but that may not be enough. Never know. And this is now out of the warrio
Then, Federal Reserve chair janet yellen testifying about the Federal Reserve and monetary policy. Likes this week, david medine, chairman of the privacy and Civil Liberties review board. They give for being here. What is the argosy and Civil Liberties review board . We decide what went wrong and what could be done better. We created the 9 11 commission to look at how we could he for intelligence gathering and connect the dots. Far downnot to go too that line to sacrifice our Civil Liberties. You are an independent board. Could you report to . Who do you report to . We inform congress and the president , but there is no review of our report. We issued a report recently about the Metadata Program and surveillance report. The board voted and issued our report. The president d before his speech with our recommendations. I think that is where alan ellen wants to pick up. Ask your board got constituted and mete at a very opportune time, right in the midst of the snowden, who put a huge spot
But also not to go too far down that line to sacrifice our Civil Liberties. You are an independent board. Who do you report to . We dont. We inform congress and the president , but there is no review of our report. We issued a report recently about the Metadata Program and surveillance report. The board voted and issued our report. We also briefed the president before his speech with our recommendations. I think that is where ellen wants to pick up. Your board got constituted and met at a very opportune time, right in the midst of the leaks by Edward Snowden, who put a huge spotlight on several important surveillance programs. One of them is section 215, as you mention. Your board came out with a 238 page report last month. I would say it is arguably the most extensive analysis of the legal underpinnings and the utility of the 215 program, which is, as most of the public now knows, a program where the nsa collects metadata, data about phone calls of americans, and puts it in a database