Was a 12 price increase by sutter as well . The 12 price increase there was one month in discussion about how they were going to go for because they had separated ways for the negotiation. They were trying to reset their contract. The blue shieldsutter hospital conjugate we did see that experience that was a onemonth do. Any other questions . No. Any other questions from the board . During that time am a do, weve seen a couple real serious cases that contribute to the increase in the medical claims. I did not hear. What . Some very serious cases in whichclaims. Claims. Okay. All right. I will just say this. We been getting quarterly of reports on fellowship and because of the worst dismal report were now can be meeting with her monthly. Ill just give you an example. When we looked at the average length of stay, which is above what was when we started, i asked about discharge planning and utilization management and brown and towing and sutter discharge planners only work 955 days a week
Were excess of 500 at ingle side and know bodecker park and [inaudible] were very significant as well as the tearival. We have all our summer jobs graduation, tonight was the momagic and the future grads and garden project, our Cadet Program which is owngoing and full staffed by the end of the month so all these things we did with the young people over the summer, i dont know if we are just overthat but pretty close to engage about a thousand young people since we started doing this a few years ago. We just started 5 sfpd and 5 oakland recruits and graduate the 244 recruit class a week from friday. We are hiring for anybody that is watching and interested, please apply thanks chief. Is there Public Comment on items 3 ad . Hearing none Public Comment is closed. Line item 4 Public Comment on all matters pertaining to items below inclouding whether to hold item 6 into closed session we areigate about the to go into closed session. Any comment whether we are going into closed session . Hea
I thrink is a memorial set in september. It happens tobe my birthday so i wont be there. Please call the next item the nextordser of business is item 10, closed session. There is none. The next order of business is adjournment. Madam chair. The meeting is adjourned at 414. In memory of rosario [inaudible] thank you. Come to order and the skeet will call roll commissioner pating commissioner king commissioner chow commissioner chung commissioner sanchez commissioner karshmer the second is the approval of the minutes of august 4, 2015. Before you guess for approval a motion is in order. So moved. Are there corrections to the minutes. I think the only typo on item 10 it is obviously sf dph. My apologies thats the only one i found or saw sorry my other comments if not then the minutes are before you for approval all in favor, say i. I. Nancy pelosis the minutes are approved directors report. Good afternoon, commissioners sitting in for director garcia on a well deserved vacation hair direc
Commissioner dejesus commissioner mazzucco commissioner hwang commissioner melara president loftus you have a could you please state your name and also chief of police and joyce hicks. Thank you. Good evening, everyone and city hall welcome to the wednesday, august 19, 2015, of the Police Commission sergeant the next latinamerican preparation retired police reverse rodney. Colleagues you have in your packet a note regarding retired Police Reserve cpr last year to the city were here to honor him. Chief and members of the public and im officer, im the Court Reporting for the San Francisco Police Department to my left is officer rodney until 2007 worked an details and assignments he got numerous captains accommodates and letters of appreciation from the public. Oh, yeah. I wanted to say thank you for having me here the last night was 25 or to thirty years ago i was up here debating against the police hike my cousin was a member of the Police Commission and working in a difference city wit
More from the Defense Advisory Committee on Sexual Assault in the armed forces. With remarks by military attorneys on their experiences representing clients of Sexual Assault and what can be done to improve victim counseling programs. This is one hour and a half. [background noises] we are starting our special Victims Counsel, victims Legal Counsel for perspectives on expedited transfer policy and the program itself. I want to welcome everyone. As he did in the last panel, id like to hear what you all have to say and then we will open it up to questions from the Committee Members and you are in control of your destiny and this is how you choose in what order to proceed. Good afternoon. I have served as an active duty judge advocate for the army for over eight years. Thank you for the opportunity to speak today. The things i expressed today are my own based on my experience and are not those of the army. As a judge advocate ive been a legal assistant attorney a ministry of law attorney,