Approval with possible modifications of the meeting set forth below, regular meeting of april 14, tweplt 16. I move to approve. Theres been a motion to approve the minutes. Second. And its been properly seconded. Any comments from any of the commissioners . Is there any Public Comment . Seeing no Public Comment, we are now ready to vote. All those in favor signify by saying aye. All those opposed . Motion is carried unanimously. Item 2, general Public Comment on matters within the boards jurisdiction not appearing on todays agenda. Is there any general Public Comment on matters not i stress not appearing on the agenda . Seeing no Public Comment, we will now proceed. I am going to claim the privilege of the chair and move the president s report from its regular order to now. There are a couple things that i want to say and i thought that would be the appropriate forum and if i waited until after the next regular agenda item, they would be superfluous. For some of you they may be superfl
Anything that the community can report on that they saw in the area in that time frame miss flow remains in critical condition. She is our witness in this cas case. She is in the hospital and we are working from physical evidence at this time. Reporter chris has more on what deputy are looking for in this case. It was the crime that left so many in this community stunned. Pure shock that somebody would be able to do this to an elderly person. Never a neighborhood like this never experienced anything like this. Reporter Santa Clara County Sheriffs Office hazard this man. 19yearold zacchary kuhn accused of beating 88yearold woman during Home Invasion robbery on monday in east san jose. Our heart go out to the victim and well do all we can to hold this suspect accountable for his deplorable actions. Reporter the victim known as miss flow lived here on north craig mont avenue since 1964. Friends and family call her a loving woman who didnt deserve to be attacked. Shes fighting for her very
Do so we know that San Francisco has added and will continue to add tens of thousands of jobs and housing over the next decade and we needed to be able to fund the transportation infrastructure to meet the demand by this growth our city impact fees was and is innovative funding mechanism to pay for transit with nonresidential developers contributing to the muni system for years we think that make sense to have market rate Housing Developers pay their fair share this Transportation Sustainability fee brings also in regional operates and caltrain where ridership is sorry region operators like bart and caltrans our county wide Transportation Plan as well as the Mayors Task Force identified the need for billions of of investment in Maintenance Management and expansion of our Transportation System the t s f is one piece of a larger piece but critical building on prop a and prop a and helping seek the voter approvals next year and with the declining state and federal funding we need to inves
This meeting will now come to order this is the regular meeting the Land Use Commission im chair and to my right is supervisor wiener the vice chair and to my left supervisor kim and victor young it our clerk and thank you leo and herb from sfgovtv for broadcasting this mr. Clerk, any announcements . Yes. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the october 6, 2015, bobs agenda oracles. A call item one. Is the regulation for the freeway operation with the state of california permitting maintenance responsibility for hoig 101 and the director ever public works to accept the agreement. Ladies and gentlemen, so this item number one is supported before i the sfmta i believe we have both mta and dpw staff with us today deanna from dpw and mr. Paul from mta lets see im not sure who will be speaking first mta please come on up thank you for joining us today. Good afternoon, supervisors im deanna im with the Sa
[ gavel ] all right, records will reflect we are back in open session. Is there a motion as to whether or not we should disclose the closed session deliberations . I move that we not disclose our deliberations during closed session. Second. All right. All in favor . Aye. I also will announce in open session that the Commission Approved a settlement of ethics complaint no. 13100730. And the Settlement Agreement is a Public Document and will be posted on the commissions website. Josh, do i have to read the whole thing . No. It also at the closed session, the Commission Approved a Settlement Agreement relating to Ethics Commission complaint 261001021. And that Settlement Agreement is a Public Document and will be posted on the commissions website. Do i hear a motion to adjourn . Is there Public Comment . Yes, thanks. Im sorry. Thank you. Eileen hansen. The two settlements that you announced, how do those relate to these five complaints that you just discussed in closed session . They were