Small and mediumsized businesses that were in sound Financial Condition before the virus impact of the economy we will hear from the head of the fed in boston and banking and business leaders. Will come tog order. This is a hybrid hearing meaning some of our commissioners are appearing in person and witnesses will testify remotely. Let me offer a few Video Conferencing reminders. Before you start speaking there will be a slight delay before you are displayed on the screen. Click the mute button until your turn to speak or to ask a question. If there is a technology issue, well move to the next speaker until it is resolved. You should all have one box on your screens labeled clock to show you how much time is remaining. Congressional Oversight Commission pursuant to section 4020 of title 4, subtitle of the cares act, the Commission Must conduct oversight of the 500 billion authorized for the Exchange Stabilization fund. As a part of our oversight work, the commission has decided to hold
Madam clerk, is there any more business today. Clerk no further business today. Chair fewer thank you very much everyone. We are adjourned. 18882733658 id like to call the order of the Public Utilities commission. Its tuesday july 28, 2020. Roll call, please. [roll call] we have a quorum. Commissioner very good. Announcements, madame secretary . During the coronavirus disease covid19 emergency, the San Francisco Public Utilities commissions sfpuc regular meeting room, city hall, room 400, is closed. Commissioners and sfpuc staff will convene Commission Meetings remotely by teleconference. Commissioners for those the live stream there be a delay. I would like to extend our thanks to sfgtv staff. If youd like to make a comment dial 18882733658 access code and dial access code 3107452. Youll hear a speaking tone when its expired. Madame president , your first order of business is item 3, aportfolio of the minutes of approval of the minutes july 14, 2020. Commissioner commissioners, before
Commission has decided to order ourselves alphabetically. With that welcome to this virtual hearing convened by the Congressional Oversight Commission pursuant to section 4020 of title 4, subtitle of the cares act, the Commission Must conduct oversight of the 500 billion authorized for the Exchange Stabilization fund. As part of our oversight work, the commission has decided to hold this hearing today which will exam examine the main Street Lending facilities. The Federal Reserve established the main Street Programs to support small and immediate you yumsized business answer Nonprofit Organization that is were in found sentence condition before the onset of the covid19 pandemic. The program operates through five facilities which we will learn more about this morning. The programs being administered by the Federal Reserve bank of boston todays hearing will have two panels. President eric rosengry. N, Federal Reserve bank of boston will testify during the first panel. Second panel will i
Id like to call the order of the Public Utilities commission. Its tuesday july 28, 2020. Roll call, please. [roll call] we have a quorum. Commissioner very good. Announcements, madame secretary . During the coronavirus disease covid19 emergency, the San Francisco Public Utilities commissions sfpuc regular meeting room, city hall, room 400, is closed. Commissioners and sfpuc staff will convene Commission Meetings remotely by teleconference. Commissioners for those the live stream there be a delay. I would like to extend our thanks to sfgtv staff. If youd like to make a comment dial 18882733658 access code and dial access code 3107452. Youll hear a speaking tone when its expired. Madame president , your first order of business is item 3, aportfolio of the minutes of approval of the minutes july 14, 2020. Commissioner commissioners, before you, you have the minutes of july 14, 2020. Are there any additions or corrections to the minutes . Hearing none id like to ask the secretary to open i
U process, i believe that we also could have some discretion in how quickly we would process that perm mit permit removed. Im going to refer to the Zoning Administrator on this. the tenant issue is always chachallenging because obviously its allowing it out side the purview of the code. If its not legalized if it is required to be removed and theres an existing tenant that does become an enforcement situation if we have an unauthorized unpermitted unit that may have life safety deficiencies. We generally want that unit to be vacated. Aobviously theres challenges with an existing tenant. We want to be open to options there. We dont have an open ended option to allow residency in an unauthorized unit and it may be something that the City Attorney wants to speak to further in terms of this issue and conflicts between our codes and other City Ordinances relating to renting units and occupancy. commissioner johnson. one second. I thought i heard them asking what happens if we do approve thi