Ever was employed at the fcc. We have a working group where we have to actually get to the conclusions about the administrative process reforms. We have got to do that so he can start writing is ordered in may so the order can come out out in june that establishes the new administrative processes and that also talks about how the fcc is going to be spending its money in the next cycle. In terms of general big picture for many many years the entire community that has benefited from the erate has understandably because of the constant culture wars has said just hold on to what we have got. That is what we have had to do just because of the constant pressure but that is not what the fcc is telling us. This fcc is saying instead of looking at it as a x dollars every single year why did you, and tell us we will bunch a whole bunch of money right up front. It will be a Capital Expenditure the way john has been talking about it. More money up front once and for all put fiber to all these ill
The adoption of the adoption unleashed energy that adults teaching jobs, caseworkers oriented to work first, time limits into seniors he come a new Program Purposes such as promotion of two parent families is an axiom love how it is possible for the state under a proper federal state partnership to make major improvement to poverty, dependent seeing employment. Why did it work so well . Per se eliminated the individual entitlement to forever benefits. Second they combined doing a perp federal program object such as working marriage. There did set constructed federal measurements such as working ovation and participation of nine States Credit for positive outcomes such as dependency reductions resulting from employment. It permitted operational freedom to experiment with multiple approaches. It permitted states which reduce caseloads to reuse in a fit money for more constructive purchases and cash payments. Only 29 of the current budget is allocated for cash benefits. The rest of Suppor
Story. The payday lending that was going on was just as egregiousn as it is today. Its just taken different cofori why was i unsuccessful in own nibusiness. Zni that in that lane there is a desperate need and its notconini just beingco whether to buy cars, diapers, or whateverw3coninrnrnrnr itxd is. We need to be mindful that we venue for be mindful that we that kind ofcoxd creditnio and listened to those 900 consumers and where inr think that was do incorrectly and i have a lot of concern about whats happening withni pay dayniconinrnr lendin have a country that has maybe morexdnrni economicnrnini justi going to need to giveni people that ak access to thatconnin of credit. I want to talk a little bit about Student Loans and ask your opinion. The administration ini thinknr tnrni to cap repayment at 10 . A all that is really going to do state, borrowers, is extendni t time that theyre going to have. So theyll never be out of consumer debt. Senator warren and i have a bill along with a n
Measure is a job. And many of us believe that if someone works hard all day, all year around, that he or she should be able to earn enough to keep their family out of poverty. Thats why the president and democrats in congress have proposed to raise the minimum wage, which has less purchasing power today than when harry truman was president. And according to the Congressional Budget Office, that measure would lift over 1 million hardworking americans out of poverty and raise low wages for another 15 million working americans. Here in the house, speaker boehners refused to even allow a vote on that measure to raise the minimum wage just as he continues to refuse a vote to extend emergency Unemployment Compensation to 3 million americans. But we all know that even if we raise the minimum wage, huge challenges remain. And we must examine the past to chart the best way forward. A january report from the council of economic advisers did just that. It found that about 50 million americans rem
Incident remains under investigation this much is known has cause real pain for mr. Browns family as well as residents of ferguson and others across the country. Evens of unfolding have sparked a muchneeded National Discussion on police strategy, Law Enforcement response and race relations. The purpose of todays hearing is not to explore what happened in ferguson that day but other judicial system the purpose of todays hearing is to examine the effectiveness of programs for state and local police with surplus military equipment and exercises for planning and training. The issues to there not just about ferguson that affect communities across the nation. Says retake the deep dive into local lawenforcement agencies to explore the value of these programs to police the communities they serve, and taxpayers. Lets start by a thinking senator Mitch Paschal and her staff for cochairing this with me and our call date from missouri has spent a lot of time in ferguson we look forward to hearing a