Of the right of way. So to take it a little bit further, once they accept, once public works accepts these as public rights of way, the assessment of 4,000 will go away . Not quite. Its a twostep process. But in essence you are correct. The first step would be for the city to accept these parcels from ocii but in doing so, they would still remain a private parcel in public ownership. D. P. W. Would have to take the second step and incorporate, merge these two lots into the right of way. And at that point, what you said is true, it would no longer be subject to the assessment. Do we know how long that process takes and whether public works has that on their list of things to do . Weve had discussions with public works. It is my belief that the first they are aware of this fact, and second it is my belief they plan to incorporate this into the right of way once accepted. There is a little bit of a technical issue, because streets and sidewalks have to be have to meet certain specificatio
Very, very tough choices. Millions of americans are depending on us here in washington, d. C. , to act and to act quickly. The house jumped into action and began negotiating with the administration on a bill to address some of the most pressing and immediate concerns of the coronavirus. The deal was struck and the house passed the bill with overwhelming bipartisan majority what happened in the senate . Well, last thursday the majority leader sent us home, business as usual. What we should have done, we should have stuck around and did the peoples work. But instead my friends in the majority decided we should operate as business as usual and take off friday and take off the weekend, go home. Well, this is not business as usual. If the majority leader would have listened to the c. D. C. , he would have heard that what he did last thursday went very contrary to the recommendations that they have made. To avoid groups, to avoid airports. We did just the opposite. Millions of americans are
I will have to be strict with the gavel. The witnesses have a tight timeframe, i know you will all cooperate with that. Let us begin. Welcome, mr. Secretary. We are glad that you are here. We have a lot to take up and every bit of it is obviously serious. The chair now recognizes herself for an Opening Statement let me begin with this, mr. Secretary. I think that confusion is the enemy of preparedness. Confusion is the enemy of preparedness. I believe that the administrations lack of fairness the Coronavirus Response is on full display. Markets are reacting, in some part, to the lack of trusted information amongst many other factors. Our government has to speak with credibility and authority. Instead, it is like a greek chorus chanting through the state. That adds to the confusion. There are key questions that need to be addressed for the American People. What is the full plan should this virusinfected american in high numbers what is the plan for increasing diagnostic capacity . Limit
Would like to adjourn this evenings meeting in honor of the two firefighters that were killed in the line of duty. They were captain ramon and firefighter patrik jones. So moved, madame chair. Thank you. Second. And all in favor of adjournment . Aye. We are adjourned. Thank you all very much. [please stand by] good afternoon and welcome to the land use and Transportation Committee of the San Francisco board of supervisors for today, monday, february 24, im the chair of the committee, aaron peskin joined to my right by vicechair safai and to my left by supervisor dean preston. Our clerk is ms. Erica major. Ms. Major, do you have any announcements . Yes, please make sure to silence all cell phones and electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and copies of any documents should be submitted to the clerk. Items will appear on the march 3 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you. Can you please read the first item . Item 1 is a resolution authorizing assets from the
This legislation is super important to me and thank you, mr. Peskin. Thank you, networks speaker, please. And by the way, i have a new stack of speaker cards. Ryan thompson, paula millard, carrie blanchette, andrew simmerman, jeff jordan didnt tyler smittay. I would say veritose has many goals and one of the goal is to create small, quick improvements to convert temporary furnished rentals. One of the goals is they incentivize their employees financially to achieve the companys financial goals. So, basically, tenants are data in achieving these goals. So i think very much for your legislation on doing away with corporate rentals, as theyre counting on every tech worker that is making millions of dollars to rent these apartments and meanwhile, we have longtenants and when were traveling to San Francisco, its an environmental issue creating gas emissions. Thank you. Hi, i work with the community housing. Veritose is a trash Organization Company and they lack morals and dignity. But anywa