Iggs. The final risk parameters with wholesale power flakbations projected with the cost of power. Is that available now. Not available right now, no. It will be in about three months. In terms of how risk is treated within the model. Colorado you want to talk model. Do you want to talk about the financial build out. Yeah the wholesale price of power fluctuates considerably in the last decade and in many situation that is has defined the marketplace in this case, we are proposing a substantial development of local renewable resource and those demands eliminate and so the very approach limits risk compared to what you would get if you follow the shaw north america contract approach which, is all based on a commodity electricity which, is direct exposure to market price. And so at the high altitude, that is the most general statement that i can make about risk. This is a considerably low risk approach for the rate payer because of the performance of solar and efficiency and wind are very
Rates. Really though, as it would apply to residential customers, fluctuation and is rates as they occur on the market, would be greater than they will be under a regime that is based upon local fixed capital cost and is that is what the build out will do you end up with over half of the power supply in a fair short period of time. Being behind the meter and being essentially hardware and performance based rather than market or fuelbased. So, from the point of view of the commercial customer, you know, there are now over a thousand municipallies in the United States over c c a service and there has not been to my knowledge been a proem with which the Program Commence with a rate increase now clearly if the Program Commences with a rate increase that will send a negative signal to the commercial customers the approach we are taking here does not require a rate increase which actually Shows Surplus and is potential discounts for customers that sign on for this product and so there is an
First model consistses of photowind and a regional wind farm and as provide by the two house four ordinance and the final will demand response and solar thermal and power storage to give greater depth to the model but we are confidant that the surpluses which we will tell you about shortly will improve very likely in that final model. On that point. At what point are you making sure is there a model that you are going to werent to us regarding the financial exposure to the rate pairs . Payers. The he exposure to rate payers, im not sure exactly what you mean. You want to epitomize the exposure to rate payers where is the exposure. Well that exactly if you want to tackle this, im not sure how to answer that. That mic is not working iggs. The final risk parameters with wholesale power flakbations projected with the cost of power. Is that available now. Not available right now, no. It will be in about three months. In terms of how risk is treated within the model. Colorado you want to tal
Happen along the road . Could you talk about that risky component assumption a little bit and what the risk is inherent in will. If i understand you, is that risk specific to commercial customers. Yes. Essentially it would be the same generic risk applied to residential you have large commercial customers downtown and high rises downtown consuming a big part of the energy and so they are more sensitive to fluctuation and is rates. Really though, as it would apply to residential customers, fluctuation and is rates as they occur on the market, would be greater than they will be under a regime that is based upon local fixed capital cost and is that is what the build out will do you end up with over half of the power supply in a fair short period of time. Being behind the meter and being essentially hardware and performance based rather than market or fuelbased. So, from the point of view of the commercial customer, you know, there are now over a thousand municipallies in the United States
Price fluctuation, are simply a matter of whether the equipment works and so its a comparison of equipment to fuel. May be the best response would be to give us some bullets down the road and so we know how to respond to that issue and because rate pairs are going to ask that we how are we minimizing the exposure to them. Any other questions . Yeah i have another question too in the risk buts a little bit different and so my understanding is that the assumptions in had model and i guess what im really c cs local build out component is critical and i want to go on record again saying thank you for your work and your longterm commitment to this because, i think that c c a without a local build out is not a c c a program and we need to be moving towards on site generation as quickly as possible but one of the assumptionings that i think you are using is this commercial enrollment i dont know what we want to call it but the commercial participation in the program and i feel there may be so