parking brake and how to bring the car to a halt. investigators with the national transportation safety agency are now questioning the man s claims. they conducted a two-hour test drive and were unable to replicate the problem. coming up at 3:30 eastern time top brass at toyota usa will hold a news conference to give us their view on this high profile incident. we will bring you that news conference live. a travel warning has been issued today following the slaughter of three american consulate workers in ciudad juarez, mexico. the state department is now warning all americans to be careful about spending spring break in mexico. over the weekend suspected drug cartel hitmen killed an american couple in a drive by shooting. the hitmen also targeted another car killing a mexican employee of the u.s. consulate. all of the victims were driving home from a child s birthday party. three children in those vehicles survived. joining usa long the border in el paso is telemundo anchor jose