well, by virtue of the fact you have to realize like everyone has been seeing, this is very unique. indeed. this is probably the most high profile detainee or detainees that would have come into the jail, but because you re dealing with persons who have worked in government and in particular someone who is still a part of the national machinery as the former president, we would give them the same privileges as any other consulate or dignitary or diplomat. we are extending that for the sake and purposes of getting them in and getting those persons out. now the other persons who have not been elected officials would probably have to go into the same procedures unless they ve worked out some type of surrender arrangement with the courts before getting to the jail. retired fulton county lieutenant s office, charles rambo. yes, that is your real name.
on coming up with a plan for the deficit. at this hour, things really don t look good. our congressional correspondent kate baldwin is standing by. she s in the capitol building now. kate, congress, washington, missing deadlines becoming all too familiar. where do we stand now? i think we can say, don, at best the super committee is on the brink of failure as talks have all but fallen apart. especially in the last, i would say maybe 24 hours really. the question, the conversation is now kind of how and when the committee is likely to make its formal announce they have failed versus they are near some kind of agreement and could be making an announcement anytime soon. of course there can be a hail mary pass at the 11th 0 hour but with such little time left it seems unlikely the committee will be able to reach any sort of agreement and more likely they have failed. evidence of that, don, just listen to the dramatic shift in tone among committee members themselves. they fanned
arpaillo is a high profile guy and this guy is also very high profile detainee, they ve decided to keep him in some sort of federal facility 25 miles north of the sandra day o connor courthouse which is where he appeared yesterday. one of the most important facts yesterday is what political persuasion this suspect has. he s registered as an independent voter and he didn t even vote in the 2010 elections. that s very important. politics might not have played a role. probably not. i mean, as we told you yesterday, he was obsessed with gabrielle giffords, the congresswoman, since way back in 2007. so a lot of this stuff about, well, this had a lot to do with the talk that went on during the 2010 elections doesn t play into the maniacal mind of this guy. some people that know him came forward yesterday and was talking. this guy told a magazine the morning before he shot, friday morning or saturday at 2:00