it s very shocking, but it s also completely destabilizing. and i think what we are seeing in these days is the upheaval in the political world caused by the president essentially confessing, yes, probably my campaign did work with the russians, but nobody should be upset about it. please stay with us. samuel bule and michael isikoff, thank you both. really appreciate it. coming up, donald trump s lawyers really, really, really want to keep him away from jared kushner finally. each year sarah climbs 58,070 steps. that s the height of mount everest. because each day she chooses to take the stairs. at work, at home. even on the escalator. that can be hard on her lower body, so now she does it with dr. scholl s orthotics clinically proven to relieve and prevent foot, knee or lower back pain, by reducing the shock and stress that travel up her body with every step she takes.
who won t they betray when desperately trying to save themselves from legal trouble? that is the question tonight in the white house, and that is why donald trump s lawyers are trying to construct a virtual wall between jared kushner and president trump so that the president is never again in a conversation with jared kushner about anything involving the russia investigation. donald trump s lawyers know that jared kushner has given the president the worst possible advice on the investigation, including the advice to fire james comey. any experienced criminal lawyer could tell donald trump that the two most dangerous people in the white house for donald trump are donald trump and jared kushner. joining us now, david frum, senior editor for the atlantic, professor samuel bule.
please stay with us. samuel bule and michael isikoff, thank you both. really appreciate it. coming up, donald trump s lawyers really, really, really want to keep him away from jared kushner finally. each year sarah climbs 58,070 steps. that s the height of mount everest. because each day she chooses to take the stairs. at work, at home. even on the escalator. that can be hard on her lower body, so now she does it with dr. scholl s orthotics clinically proven to relieve and prevent foot, knee or lower back pain, by reducing the shock and stress that travel up her body with every step she takes. so keep on climbing, sarah. you re killing it. dr. scholl s. born to move.
white house for donald trump are donald trump and jared kushner. joining us now, david frum, senior editor for the atlantic, professor samuel bule. and mike isikoff, chief investigative reporter for yahoo news. professor, i want to go to you and get as many legal opinions as i can on that meeting in trump tower and what the legal liabilities are for the people involved. the jared kushner liability obviously includes the one i just described, the fact that he left it off his disclosure form and that carries serious criminal possible penalties. but what about donald trump jr. and paul manafort in that room? the statute is pretty clear that it s a federal crime to solicit a campaign contribution from a foreign source. it s pretty clear that anything of value can count as a campaign