It is the definitive work on political and economic corruption and cronyism in America from the colonial beginning to the end of the Jacksonian era. It is one of the most searing, powerful and authoritative books I have ever read. The rank and fetid politicization of the government has been present from the beginning. This incise volume will not leave you unscathed but will shake you to your core. It is the perfect compliment to Rothbard’s five volume
Conceived in Liberty series, and Ivan Jankovic’s
The American people at large content to deferentially dwell within the United States of Amnesia still do not get it. The deep state, driven by the imperial presidency, an acquiescent congress and a complacent federal judiciary, has destroyed the American Republic. The parasitic welfare-warfare state, enabled by the Fed, fosters and promotes the profligacy and dependency which is at the root of this destructive process
Credits: Image: Dominick Reuter
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Dava Newman SM ’89, SM ’89, PhD ’92, an MIT professor of aeronautics and astronautics whose groundbreaking work has advanced human performance in space with the goal of interplanetary reach, has been named the new director of the MIT Media Lab, effective July 1, 2021.
“Leading the legendary Media Lab is a dream for me, and I can’t wait to help write the next chapter of this uniquely creative, impactful, compassionate community,” Newman says. Currently she is the Apollo Program Professor of Astronautics in MIT’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and a faculty member in the Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology.
MIT Media Lab names Dava Newman as new director
MIT’s famous Media Lab, the multidisciplinary idea factory that produces many a fascinating invention and influential thinker, has found a new director in its backyard after scouring the globe for candidates. Dava Newman, MIT professor of aeronautics and astronautics and former deputy administrator of NASA under Obama, will helm the intellectual hub.
The Media Lab is famed for its freewheeling techno-intellectual prowess, but for more than a year has been leaderless following the resignation of former head Joi Ito. Ito resigned when it was discovered that billionaire and alleged child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein had given funding and reportedly received special treatment and access to the Media Lab under his leadership.