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Professor Keefe Named Partner in SAMHSA’s New Center of Excellence in Behavioral Health Disparities in Aging
BU CADER Advocacy Helps Pass Increased State Funding
for Elder Mental Health Outreach
Bronwyn Keefe (PI) and the BU Center for Aging & Disability Education & Research (CADER) will partner with Rush University Medical Center in a 5-year, $3.5 million grant funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services organization (SAMHSA) to create a new research center called Engage, Educate, Empower for Equity: E4, The Rush Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Disparities in Aging.
The E4 Center’s mission is to expand workforce capacity through innovative training of practitioners. Their focus is to ensure that community-based providers can implement evidence-based practices and programs (EBPs) in their work with vulnerable older adults who experience the greatest behavioral and physical health disparities.