Last week, ChinaFile published a discussion on the debate over Confucius Institutes–Chinese language and culture programs affiliated with China’s Ministry of Education and their role on university campuses. The topic, and several of the responses we posted, resulted in a large number of additional responses, comments, and critiques both off and online. In particular, many
Sense of meaning
“Our wellbeing is far better when we focus on strengths rather than weaknesses, on assets rather than deficits. This is where positive psychology comes in,” Professor Huppert said.
“The way we think, feel and act has a profound impact on our personal wellbeing and also creates a ripple effect on those around us and the world we live in.”
She also highlighted the three core skills that underpin the principles, which are having:
Mindful awareness
Clear or critical thinking
Co-Directors of the Body, Heart and Mind in Business Research Group, Associate Professors Anya Johnson and Helena Nguyen, said: “We were delighted to host this presentation from Felicia who is a world-class expert on the science of wellbeing.