to the words of the republican president dwight eisenhower? we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. government is smart, you re stupid. we could devote an hour to wasteful military contracts throughout the years, but when the current pentagon is struggling against pork barrel kind of congressmen to cancel further production of c-17 transport planes which they already have in surplus and needs no more of, that pretty much says it all. to be fair, mr. gingrich cited y other items in calling mr. obama a socialist, like the bank bailout, and this health care reform thing of obama s. but in the modern era, the greatest redistribution of income, especially the specialty of socialists, was in fact produced by president reagan. redistribution from the middle and lower classes to the upper class. and the reason bank bailout,
bush. and the biggest new entitlement since the heyday of social security and medicare was the medicare prescription drug program from the bush administration, underfunded, therefore deficit financed. but through mr. gingrich s eyes, it is president obama that believes that government is smart, you re stupid. and of course he believes in the unsaid gingrichian corollary, gingrich is smart, you re too stupid to notice that his definition of socialism defines george bush. big changes to the segment formerly known as worst persons in the world next. missing something? now at sears optical, get 2 pairs of glasses for $99.99. with bifocals just $25 more per pair. sears optical. don t miss a thing. at a weight watchers meeting you can get the life skills that put you in charge of your world and hungry and the online tools to help you face any situation which means darn right you can go to the dinner party
entire life is a wholly own subcidy of the insurance companies. boehner talks of plans to crash the party and interrupt the infomercial. and try to get everyone to dial 1-800-bronzer instead, john? double-digit increases in 11 states now, served by or enslaved by wellpoint blue cross. and the president on the eve? high hopes. he s got high hopes. i look forward to a good exchange of ideas at the blare house with some legislative leaders. and i hope everyone comes with a shared desire to solve this challenge. not to score political points. the next fight, the senate majority leader walks out of the meeting with boeing-sized big businesses after they claim they are the ones that create the jobs at the small businesses. newt gingrich defines socialism as big government, government is smart, you re
stupid, government should decide everything. so a government that decides everything and lies to you because you re too stupid to let it go to war in iraq, that s socialist? newt gingrich just called george bush a socialist? the newest political science from a beauty queen. a contestant seeking to secede carrie prejean says some of her friends are gay, but the bible is pretty black and white. they re supposed to be put to death. and on the eve of the health care reform summit, a special comment. a message to all those who enter tomorrow, from my father. all the news and commentary now on countdown. good evening from new york. heading into tomorrow s purportedly bipartisan health care summit, only one plan is acceptable to the republicans scrapping reform and, so they claim, starting over. yet on the floor of the house this afternoon, during a debate over a planned vote to revoke
that they can t relate to. but i think jonathan is right. the bigger problem is the fact that they don t see him as one of their own in terms being conservative. and that is the big issue. he gets something like 57% of iowa caucusgoers see gingrich is conservative and only about 29% see romney as conservative. that s the big issue. and they re right about that. you look at romney s record in massachusetts. he described himself as a progressive. he is not really all that conservative. and probably would not be as conservative as gingrich as president. i think what they re really responding to in newt gingrich right now is that he is expressing their contempt for the liberal media. remember, he attacks the moderator. and for barack obama. they want a snarling attack dog. the same people who have those right wing truly nasty comments on your website, martin, and on