kick it over to the new year and see how that works out for them. maybe we ought to look at adam schiff actually digging out the phone record on john solomon. this is an extraordinary violation of constitutional rights that adam schiff has now admitted to. jerry nadler and professor carlin made this point, and it s a laughingstock point. that trump invited russian hacking when he said hillary destroyed the emails on her private server. maybe we should ask the russians for them. the notion they are making this into the big lie that he somehow invited the russian hacking, which is utter nonsense. he was making a laughable joke about hillary keeping emails on a private server that every government of the world had access to because it was unsecured. it would be laughable if it wasn t so deadly serious, and what they are doing, undermining this country. the president is over at a nato meeting and they are pulling
not enhance. and i don t think you saw anything today that is going to help them in that regard. martha: you know, one of the things that i think was kind of an interesting moment here and it may seem, you know, sort of, you called it mean and i m going to play your response in a second, was when we heard from professor carlin talking about how the president isn t a king. and then she made sort of a inside remark about barron trump, the president s son. and you came back at her with this. watch. when you invoke the president s son s name here, when you try to make a little joke out of referencing barron trump, that does not lend credibility to your argument. it makes you look mean. it makes you look like you are attacking someone s family. the minor child of the president of the united states. martha: she later apologized for that but i think that, you know, beyond the obvious, you know, insensitivity of what she said, is that it revealed emotion. and i think it started to unrave
trying to address the point that came up again and again. we have professor carlin, one of the folks testifying, we have her addressing this point. the president said do us a favor. he was using the royal we. he should have said do me a favor. only kings say us when they mean me. shannon: the president responded. that was a very irresponsible statement by that professor. the fact she would compare him to a monarch means she doesn t understand tyranny. all the president did was ask the ukrainian country to investigate barisma. that subjects him to impeachment? i think not.
witnesses and who called them is certainly an element of an example of how elections matter. but much more significantly, the fact that this proceeding is going on at all is evidence of how much the democratic control of the representatives matter. you see michael gerhardt there from the university of north carolina. he s a constitutional legal scholar as well and also happens to be a cnn contributor. because we only hire the best. a very smart guy and professor carlin of stamford, she will be testifying as well. it s going to be and i m anxious, you know, ross, for your thoughts, it going to be very, very academic? at least the opening session? i think the thing to look for right out of the gate is whether the republicans try to score some points. by the way, that s noah feldman from law school, the fourth witness. on the point that laura and
recognition. the gentleman is, i am not going to recognize you now, i am introducing the witnesses. mr. chairman. the noah feldman the professor of law at harvard law school. professor feldman has authored seven books, including the constitutional law casebook as well as many articles on constitutional subjects. professor feldman received he is under graduate degree from harvard and oxford university and also a rhodes scholar and jz from harvard law school and served as a law clerk for major suter. pamela carlin serves as the montgomery professor of public interest law and the co-director of the supreme court information clinic at stamford law school. the co-author of leading books including a monograph keeping faith with the constitution and dozens of scholarly articles. she served as a law clerk to