UAW Members of Local 5810 at the University of California voted to ratify their contracts by overwhelming margins. The final count was 89.4% of Postdocs and 79.5% of Academic Researchers voting yes in favor of ratification. UAW Local 5810 is the union of more than 11,000 Postdoctoral Scholars and Academic Researchers (Project Scientists, Specialists, Professional
Lois Colaprete joins the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) as vice president for advancement. UMCES is an environmental research and graduate institution focused on providing sound science to help state and national leaders manage the environment. It is one of the 12 universities that comprise the University System of Maryland. The vice president for advancement is a member of the .
One count from the Anti-Corruption Data Collective estimates that seven Russian billionaires have given away as much as $435 million to 200 institutions in the United States over 20 years.
Nonprofits often need to change the way their recruit and hire job applicants, re-examine pay structures, and uproot other established practices, said experts at a Chronicle briefing.