The royal wedding is set to take place Saturday, May 19, but English police have been putting security measures for it into place for months, NBC News reported. Some of these measures include automatic license plate recognition technology, steel and concrete barriers outside the town to prevent vehicle attacks and dogs sniffing mailboxes. Around 3,000 police officers are expected to. Governor Apr 28, 2018
Efforts to unravel the mysterious fate of North Carolina’s fabled Lost Colony could progress after a preservation group took out its first-ever loan to buy a coastal tract where some colonists may have resettled hundreds of years ago. The North Carolina Coastal Land Trust borrowed $5.3 million for a real estate deal that could shed light on the 16th century.
Bill would open way for rolling barbershops, hair and nail salons
Updated Mar 09, 2021;
Posted Mar 09, 2021
State Rep. Barbara Drummond, D-Mobile, speaks at a Democratic town hall meeting on Feb. 21, 2019. (file photo).
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For many, difficulty getting to a barber shop or hair salon has been one of the nagging nuisances of the COVID pandemic. A proposed change in state law would allow rolling salons to bring the barber to you.
State Rep. Barbara Drummond introduced HB 274 a few weeks ago with bipartisan sponsorship and saw it rocket through the House. Last week the Senate referred it to a committee.
NBC Mar 13, 2020
In South Windsor there’s a celebrity who spends his days at a Paulie’s Professional Barber Shop. Just below the front door bell of the barber shop, there is a doggy in the window he’s a star named Teddy. MAYOR Feb 25, 2020