poetry and govern in prose but the proesz doesn t have to be chilly latin. what do you make of that? i don t go as far to say f. think about the gap in what we saw in candidate obama, his oratorical skills and ability to communicate. think about the achievements barack obama has passed. the stimulus. the recovery act, that is. financial regulation. re-regulation. and the health care bill. none of those things are very popular in the country. and the reason they re not popular, largely, or at least part of the reason is, the president has not done a very effective job convincing people they were the right thing to do. we heard more from bill clinton last night about why health care, why obama care, is a good thing and what its benefits are than we ve heard from this administration over the course of the last nine months or a year. the stimulus the recovery act, we aheard a better case mae on the stump by joe biden about why the recovery act kept us out of depression than we ever h