The finance ministry has proposed productivity tests for railways, road transport, shipping, and metro rail projects to evaluate their impact on the economy and people s lives. The Niti Aayog will monitor the data generated by these tests and provide recommendations. A study will also be conducted to assess the optimal share of different modes of transportation for freight and develop a plan to rationalize it.
spot for productivity seems to be around 40 hours. ford motor company actually did productivity tests back in the early 1900 s where they added another 20 hours and as it turns out, there was a minor increase in productivity that only lasted about three or four weeks and then it actually turned negative. so you should not work like a crazy person. why? because they say that you get burnt out, number one. number two, you sacrifice family relationships that also hurts productivity in the long run and they say it it hurts you working for a longer period of time. so 40 hours gives you more years as opposed to 60 hours burning out. good luck changing the culture of america where everything is fast paced and the philosophy is the more you work, the better you get. anyway, here s the quote from jeffrey james of the business journalist. in every case, i ve observed the long hours result in work that must be scrapped or redone. so his theory is even if you work those extra 20 hours a week