ukrainian vessels capturing the crew twelve ukrainians have now been charged with unlawfully entering russia they face up to six years in jail but russian president vladimir putin blames the ukrainian president for the standoff claiming it s a move to boost his ratings it was just a little it s clearly a product of. a provocation. and i think it was the president himself should head of the presidential election to be hideous in ukraine just. what is this additional international pressure against russia is building with talk of further sanctions u.s. president donald trump has threatened to cancel a meeting shared jeweled with president putin at this week s g. twenty summit. meanwhile ukrainians are preparing for a new phase of war with the conflict showing no signs of stopping. well i m joined now by correspondent david. and he is in the ukrainian capital kiev good evening to
poroshenko has warned there could be a russian invasion. these tanks have not yet been removed their will there i don t want anybody to think that those are toys the country is under threat of a food scale war with russia. and with russia and ukraine have blamed each other for sunday standoff in the catch strait which links the black sea and the sea of a zone of russian naval officers fired on and seized three ukrainian vessels capturing the crew twelve ukrainians have now been charged with unlawfully entering russia thanks face up to six years in jail but russian president vladimir putin blames the ukrainian president for the standoff claiming it s a move to boost his ratings. it if this is a school it s clearly a product of. a provocation. and i think it was the president
candidate to quote and take me he said he wants to saturday s the political future of his daughter was groomed as the product of. the party so there were a couple of considerations that probably prompted him or sort of forced him to do under bogas doc. but i would as you know i m that behind the scenes something may have been playing out because their father had been put up a restaurant was which is pretty good as good as. and that i think is triggering speculation that there may have been some behind the scenes negotiations going on why are the middle eastern friends off now why shitty. many of his supporters came out so mr sharif upon arrival what kind of support does he still have and pakistan . know our city for hand is rather have ruled this center and our province for more
and we have this misconception that isis is all about radical islam. isis is a product of, like, a bunch of very complex geopolitical, historic trends that have been brewing for years. this is not just about islam. it s also terrifying that some guys who clearly aren t particularly mentally well configured in san bernardino can go and shoot coworkers with assault weapons and put something on facebook and that somehow joins a global movement. almost a wave of hysteria building on each other. you saw paris happen, then san bernardino crest off it. it s like a contagion in a way. i think there needs to be not hysteria, but let s not underestimate the threat either. it is huge. all right, coming up next we re going to talk about the battle for that key city of ramadi. isis claimed it seven months ago. iraqi forces literally ran away. now they are within days, they say, of retaking ramadi.
joining us now is political historian allan litchman. there are those who know that woodrow wilson was simply a product of his time and now we are applying today s values to what was the product of, or shall i say values of his time. i don t buy this product of the times argument, there is something to it. but there were many, many people in wood drrow wilson s times wh are challenging segregation, challenging racism, trying to move the nation forward in its race relations. woodrow wilson did a lot for princeton university. he even challenged the old boy power structure there, he reformed the curriculum, he advanced opportunities for catholic and jews, a although not african-americans. as you indicate, he was a transformational president who really moved the democratic party into its present day