a german ugandan joint projects they have developed a method to turn maize spend also enter briquettes a great way to make use of biomass waste they want to see people in uganda using less firewood and more of these natural briquettes for cooking and heating are eager of course i went out to investigates. in dead to university in century uganda provides meals to one thousand eight hundred students every day. and uses huge amounts of cooking wood in the process. the university is looking to change that with the help of the german engineer brett smit he s working with the energy research center to replace wood with most a synagogue we can t make from court waste. the first new stuff is already in operation. it was a former fire wood stove and we adopted you to do it because it s already planning
dollar it s a vulcan source of extra income for the small scale farmers too often struggle financially the cubs draw out at a small factory then place in a couple for two days it turns them into charcoal there then mix with water and molded into briquettes these are left to draw in the sun for another five days then they re ready for use the factory produces a ton of pre-cancer each week that s nowhere near enough we cannot produce much more and. because collated to replace all the firewood of our universe of kitchen and this provides with pickets we need around four tons perique so we have to build another pico carbonized. since starting to produce b. cats the university has massively cut back on if i would you know that s not only helping the forests it s also saving the institution money and the idea is catching
to adopt another store for pre-k. through precut and one by one will be replaced i think the university helps to radically reduce its root consumption uganda has a huge problem with their first ration every year ninety thousand hacked is a forest on lost in the country much of the wood is used to cook food for the universe to get from it seriously it s because it s from local farmers who grow corn also known as maize we take the maize only the corpus we just throw in the good or we just even today approach. that he claims when the people came yeah kristie even got some money and they give they can pay their corpse. albert smith has translated the farm to collect the cobs rather than throwing them away. the three large sacks each farmer receives a privilege of one u.s.
developed a method to turn maize spindles into briquettes a great way to make use of biomass waste they want to see people in uganda use less firewood and more of this natural briquettes for cooking and heating eco reporter went out to investigate. indulging universe scene century uganda provides mills to one thousand eight hundred students every day. and uses huge amounts of cooking wood in the process the university is looking to change that with the help of the german engineer outbred smit is working with the energy research center to replace wood with most a synagogue we can t make from corn waste. the first new stuff is already in operation. it was a former fire wood stove and we adopted it too to break it already planning to adopt another stove for pre-k. through pre-k.
and one by one will be replaced i think the university hates to radically reduce its root consumption uganda has a huge problem with the first ration every yeah ninety thousand hacked is a forest are lost in the country much of the wood is used to cook food most of the institutions local boards schools are board prisons talk about the universities the use of and a lot of for cooking and many of the fuel that is being used for cooking is the firewood where the trees are new no this is mont south in the mall so we started thinking can you be able to play brick it s on an institutional level the universe we get from it seriously it s because it s from like you farmers who grow corn also known as mayes. we take their meds only the cops are just throwing the goodie or we just leave it to their throat slit. brains when