administration is deporting fewer illegal immigrants as the years go on. correspondent doug mckell way reports that flies in the face of what the president s people have been saying. reporter: a day after house majority leader eric cantor accused of president of quote no insince sincere desire to work together on immigration reform i wished him happy passover. reporter: the president said he then reiterated his concern about immigration to cantor. what s holding us back is house republican leadership not willing to go ahead and let the process move forward. reporter: as those recriminations were flying, the justice department released a report that cast a different light on white house claims that it has deported more illegal immigrants, 2 million, than any administration in history. the report finds that new deportation cases have been declining steadily since 2009 and judges are increasingly ruling against deportation. it confirmed earlier suspicions of vocal opponents.
you know, you re always kind of surprised by the mismatch between press releases and the conversation. i wished him happy passover, and what i said to him privately is something i would share with him i ve said publicly, which is there is bipartisan support for comprehensive immigration reform. it would strengthen our economy, it would help with our security. and it would provide relief to families who many of whom have lived here for years and have children and family members who are u.s. citizens. congress should act. and that right now, what is holding us back is house republican leadership not willing to go ahead and let the process move forward.
you know, you know, you re always kind of surprised by the mismatch between press releases and the conversation. i wished him happy passover and what i said privately is something that i ve said publicly, which is, there is bipartisan support for comprehensive immigration reform. it would strengthen our economy. it would help with our security and it would provide leaf to families who many of whom have lived here for years and who have children and family members who are u.s. citizens. and the congress should act. and that right now what s holding us back is house republican leadership not willing to go ahead and let the process move forward.
sights and sounds. you are bowing to the extremist, the tea parties who don t really want to see the process move forward. we know that the affordable care act is the law of the land. we know it has been affirmed by the supreme court of the united states. let s move on. it s not like the president says there will be no negotiations, no negotiations, he will negotiate with foreign dictators before he will negotiate with us. what if democrats said we are going to shut down the government if we don t get immigration reform or gay rights or gun control. the truth. you can t handle the truth. mr. speaker we have shown the other side how premiums are going up 200 and 300%, and told them about the loss of jobs. you have been hijacked by a small group of extreme folks who
i will play john mccain first. we re here to vote. we re not here to block things. we re here to articulate our positions on the issues in the best and possible and most eloquent way we can and do what we can for the good of the country and then let the process move forward. so, he was saying that he wanted the senate to send to meet with the house and ted cruz was saying, no, we cont do that. we can t trust them. this was ted cruz s response. it has been suggested that those of us fighting to defend liberty and fighting to turn around the out of control spending and out of control debt in this country and fighting to defend the constitution, it has been suggested that we are wacko birds. if that is the case, i will suggest to my friend from arizona, there may be more wacko birds in the senate than is suspected. my theory of john mccain s