the story is first at 6:00. what i have used for voter registration and for identification for the last 52 years was not sufficient yesterday when i went to vote. 117th district court judge sandra watts has voted in every election for the last 49 years. the name on her driver s license has remained the same for 52 years. and the address on her voter registration card or driver s license hasn t changed in more than two decades. imagine to her surprise when she was told by voting officials that she had to sign a voter affidavit, affirming that she was who she said she was. someone looked at that and said they re not the same. the difference, on the driver s license her middle name is her maiden name. on the voter registration it s her actual middle name. this is the first time i ve ever had a problem voting. i don t think most women know
identification for the last 52 years was not sufficient yesterday when i went to vote. this is the first time i ve ever had a problem voting. if judge watts was so intent on voting, perhaps she should have thought about that before she got married. for more, i m pleased to be joined by co-host of the cycle here on msnbc ari melber and democratic pollster march gentlemen o mara. margie, women and young people are being prevented from voting in texas. if the intention is to target new voters, the new law, you have to concede, has been a magnificent rip roaring success. it just happens to be a coincidence that the groups most likely affected by this law happen to be the groups that don t vote republican. what a coincidence. i know. it s almost as if it was planned that way. it s amazing, you see republicans it was planned that way, margie, that s the point.
i think part of what i ve seen in south carolina is that republicans don t have a problem voting for philanderers. they voted for newt gingrich in the gop primary in their state, strom thurmond, mark sanford. on a psychological human level, what i simply don t get is when you have been that big of a disaster like you leave and then you say you re on the appalachian trail and unfortunately you pick the week it s nudist week on the appalachian trail and then you really weren t, you were really visiting your mistress in brazil, why you would want to bring all that up again, like i would be running in horror, running away in horror. if somebody sees like my fat thighs in a picture on facebook, i demand that i am untagged. so to have that much baggage of sheer embarrassment in your life that you go, you know what? clearly there s people out there
president obama is elected for the next term, there is going to be real, real danger in america. this is the way they see it. it s very much real. let me ask a question directly about mitt romney. you write in the book that the teavangelical vote is key to romney s prospect. he has to motivate those people for him to win in the fall. he s not a natural tea party guy, not a natural candidate for evangelical voters. many speculate about whether his mormonism is a problem. how much of a real problem is mormonism for this subset of voters that you identify as key to romney s prospects? there s two issues here. if you look at the polling data, about 15% of evangelicals will admit, at least, it s a problem voting for a mormon candidate. but the truth of the matter is it s probably a much smaller percentage actually in terms of they re not really too concerned about that within the evangelical community.
point, thomas. in the weekend voting act that s been put forward by steve israel, the congressman from long island, and her kohl, the senator from wisconsin, it called from calls for moving ely from the first tuesday after the first monday in november to saturday and sunday over a 24-hour period accounting for that very thing. if you have a problem voting on saturday you could vote on sunday. have a problem voting on sunday you could vote on saturday. the voter i.d. laws, disenfranchised voters around the country, how does that play into the movement? i think any attempt to restrict voter participation plays into what we re doing. what we re saying is let s me paraphrase chris rock. i won t do him justice. he said why do we vote on tuesday? they don t want you to vote on tuesday. if they did they wouldn t do it on a tuesday in november. you ever to a party on a tuesday in november? of course not. nobody would come. same thing with voter i.d. these are things that are trying to re