supporters, not journalists, not famous people, at this rally, before the rally in north carolina tonight, had to say about this. just because someone has a trump sticker on their car doesn t mean they re a trump fan. you know, it doesn t mean nothing. barack obama probably sent his to hisself and hillary clinton probably sent hers to herself so you don t think this guy actually sent these bombs? no, probably not. why? they probably had it done. they may have paid him to do it. there s radical people on all sides. there can be people that are problem creators. they create problems, like people on the left can create them. people on the alt-right can create them. i think i heard something about it being a bernie sanders supporter. you know, there s so much news going on right now that people don t know what to believe so they stick with what they know. matt, if you couldn t see me, i pulled all my hair out while i was listening to those things. barack obama probably se
about this. just because someone has a trump sticker on their car doesn t mean they re a trump fan. you know, it doesn t mean nothing. so you don t think this guy actually sent these bombs? no, probably not. why? they probably had it done. they may have paid him to do it. there s radical people on all sides. there can be people that are problem creators. they create problems, like people on the left can create them. people on the alt right can create them. i think i heard something about it being a bernie sanders supporter. you know, there s so much news going on right now that people don t know what to believe so they stick with what they know. matt, if you couldn t see me, i pulled all my hair out while i was listening to those things. barack obama probably sent it to himself, hillary clinton probably sent it to herself, there s radical people on all sides.
unusual viewpoints, even today, people waiting in line refused to acknowledge that fellow trump supporter might be responsible for the attempted bombings. barack obama, he is and hillary clinton probably sent hers to herself. so you don t think this guy actually sent these bombs to these officialsome. no, probably not. why? they probably had it done. they may have paid him to do it. there s radical people on all sides. there can be people that are problem creators, they create problems like people on the left can create them. people on the alt-right can create them, two-way street. what s your reaction to the fact that a, they caught the guy, but b, he may seem to have some kind of pro-trump sentiment to him. i think that theory is ridiculous, honestly. here with me now, two reporters who know the viewpoints, ben collins and ben
joining us now from the daily beast and analyst. we just played a whole bunch of right wing journalists and what they said about this, but actually here s what trump supporters, not journalist, not famous people at this rally, before the rally in north carolina tonight had to say about this. just because someone has a trump sticker on their car doesn t mean they re a trump fan. you know, it doesn t mean nothing. so you don t think this guy actually sent these bombs? no, probably not. why? they probably had it done. they may have paid him to do it. there s radical people on all sides. there can be people that are problem creators. they create problems, like people on the left can create them. people on the alt right can create them. i think i heard something about it being a bernie sanders