than working originally, right? i don t know if the numbers are the other way around. more is going out than coming in and the remainder will be below zero. people say of all the entitlements this is the easiest one to fix. it could be fixed by raising taxes. a serious problem. changing the age at which people receive it. or making it voluntary and letting people put them into private accounts. but governor perry was inappropriately excoriated for it and suffered terrible for saying it and he s correct. the judge is not pro ponzi but pro fonzy. yes. pro fonzi? happy days are here again. all right. thank you, guys. have a great weekend. that was great of the fonz to raise chachi that is not his kid. is he italian? i believe he is. and then he fell in love with joanie and they had a spinoff. still ahead, though, the e.p.a. left me hanging there. whatever happened to her? she was a cunningham girl.