gather this year. that means more demand. there are labor shortages, high transportation costs. bad weather affecting hurting crops around the country. the early bird in this case gets the turkey. economists warn the risk is everyone at the same time will be trying to buy their ingredients, be flexible, shop now. if you wait, you may not get the bird you want. heritage birds may not be near you or not in your budget. that means get shopping. they say there is plenty of food in the supply chain, but consumers should secure must haves in a timely fashion to sfrafrt have favorites on the holiday table. they say plan for most expensive meal in the history of this holiday. context, though, last thanksgiving was the cheapest meal in a decade. ham or turkey? the pro blem is how do you ft a whole turkey in your freezer unless you have a deep freezer? i ll freeze two breasts. that s what i m going to do.
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hard to get me a power chair at no cost to me. you don t qualify for medicare? no pro blem. we ll work with your insurance company, even help with financing. if there s a way, we ll find it. call the scooter store for free information today. there was onece remarkable difference this year on september 11. the days leading up to this we have seen divided tion. tempers over the proposed mosque near ground zero. and yesterday s news conference at the white house, fox s wendell goler asked president obama about that. here is the president addressing it in part about the ongoing debate i lower