The registration period for Delhi Nursery Admission has concluded, and it is now time for the announcement of the merit list. Yes, you heard it right! The Directorate of Education (DoE) Delhi will rel - Delhi Nursery Admissions 2024-25: Second Merit List to Release on This Date; Know How to Check
Delhi Nursery Admission 2024-25 is closing today. Yes, you have heard it right. The registration process for admission for general category students to nursery, KG, and Class 1 in private schools will - Delhi Nursery Admission 2024-25: Registration Closing Today at; Important Points For Parents
This articlе providеs еssеntial information about Dеlhi Nursеry Admission 2024-25, including admission datеs, costs, and thе application procеss, aiming to еasе parеnts strеss and doubts.
3. Click on Registration for New User (Nursery/Pre-School to Class-1) . 4. Fill the form and submit.
It must be noted that single application shall be filled by an individual applicant for online admission process. Multiple applications filled by any individual applicant shall lead to cancellation of candidature of the applicant, even after succeeding in the draw of lots for admission , Delhi Education department said in the admission notification.
Delhi EWS DG admission list
Directorate of Education is facilitating admissions of Economically Weaker Sections/ Disadvantages Group Category and Children with Disabilities Category in Private Unaided Recognized Schools under Delhi School Education Act & Rules, 1973 and Private Schools recognized under RTE Act, 2009, at the entry level classes (Pre-school/ Nursery, Pre-Primary/ KG and Class-I) for academic session 2021-22 through COMPUTERIZED ONLINE ADMISSION SYSTEM.