Android Security Features: How to Prevent Apps From Tracking Your Data
While Android has no App Tracking Transparency feature right now, there are still ways users can prevent apps from tracking their data and online activites. Here s how.
Photo : Masakaze Kawakami/Unsplash
As Apple releases its iOS 14.5 and the popular App Tracking Transparency feature, Android is also coming up with new ways to improve smartphone security. The new Android 12 update might be coming in very soon, and here are some of the security features you can look forward to.
Thanks to the pandemic, the technological industry received a huge boost of activity. After all, in this digital lifestyle, students and workers resort to using the internet for their classes and work, respectively. As of today, privacy and security in the online world have become an essential part of our lifestyle.
Incognito mode also known as private browsing mode is a sneakier way to use the internet.
When you browse the internet with incognito mode on, you won t leave any trace on the device you re using. Your browser won t save your browsing or search engine history, and won t remember what sites you ve logged into or even what your username and password is.
It s great if you share your computer or phone with other people, since no one else will be able to see what you ve done once you close the window.
Important: Incognito mode keeps you safe locally, but your browsing history will still be visible to your internet provider, and websites you visit will know you re there. And if you re using a Wi-Fi network powered by your work, school, or a business, they can track it too.