Information and Privacy Commissioner Elizabeth Denham has created the first “expert” external advisory board for the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner.
Having such a board is a great idea. Anyone who has ventured through the quagmire of a freedom of information request knows how challenging it can be and how cumbersome the process it.
The members of the board are: Dr. Colin Bennett, department of political science, University of Victoria; Heather Black, former assistant privacy commissioner for Canada; Drew McArthur, McArthur Group (former vice president, corporate affairs and compliance, Telus Communications); Dr. David Flaherty, former B.C. information and privacy commissioner; Dr. Ben Goold, faculty of law, University of British Columbia; Dirk Ryneveld, QC, former B.C. police complaints commissioner. An impressive list. However, there are a couple of noted absences on the board the media and political parties. The two groups make up the bulk of freed