Are the focus of tonights angle. Liberal new york is finally feeling the brunt of the policy they have always supported, an open border. It is about time. Irresponsibility of the white house for not addressing this problem. From anywhere on the globe, we are supposed to feed, clothe, house you for as long as you want. That is just not sustainable or realistic. We are also asking the federal government to declare a State Of Emergency. Laura a State Of Emergency . Well, Migrant Shelters are overwhelmed, illegal aliens are spilling into the streets and now Soccer Fields are being taken over to house temporary housing for those in the big apple temperature has been a huge problem for 15 years in the United States, yet only now thinks to ingenious moves by Governor Desantis and greg abbott have they started to wake up on the problem. Nimby came to mind today, stands for not in my backyard. Who can forget how kennedy joined forces with bill koch, to kill that wind farm on cape cod caused by
their district and state. i think you have to have more american people experiencing this to fully understand what is going on. when enough do, it will take us to the table to have a serious conversation about immigration reform and fixing the southern border. laura: yeah, when you say real immigration reform, i hear amnesty. nope. laura: i don t trust the likes of any of these democratic governors, pritzger newsom, would not be good faith partners if they were in office. if they were in the senate, they would never agree to deport anyone except maybe a murderer every now and then. they do not believe anyone should be deported, they don t believe that. this is a crime against american people, the drugs and crime is costing us $151 billion by the time you total it up for