Most people don’t care about the brutality that happens in New Jersey’s prisons | Opinion
Updated Jan 31, 2021;
Posted Jan 31, 2021
Paul C. Williams, who was formerly incarcerated and created a project to help ex-offenders, says there are decades of credible and documented allegations of abuse and brutality that has occurred throughout New Jersey’s jails and prisons - including the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women - yet there have been few efforts to meaningfully address and resolve this disaster.
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By Paul C. Williams
While many have heard and read about the recent allegations of abuse at New Jersey’s Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women, many more have no genuine interest or concern about it. This is abundantly evident from the facts that the nature of what is alleged to have occurred recently is not an anomaly or isolated to only Edna Mahan.