personal problems. all he really wants to address is what s in the write-up. ziggy faces several potential penalties for attempting to alter his drug screen, including time in the hole, a loss of his prison job, and even a judgment that can make his whole plan backfire, a transfer to another prison. that s one punishment i really don t look forward to is being transferred somewhere else. ziggy s reluctance to leave prison became all the more puzzling when we learned some of what he d endured during his 30 plus years of incarceration. i was not born gay and every relationship i ve had has been a forced type, a, well, this is what i have to do type of thing, but i didn t enjoy it. as a younger prisoner, i would be made fun of quite a lot, because the lord gave me a big butt. well, i decided to turn it
and just being a pain to the members of society and midtown memphis. ziggy had grown accustomed to life in riverbend s minimum security unit. he has what he calls a cushy prison job, editing the inmate newspaper. my punishment is not going to begin until i walk out those front gates because this is the world i ve gotten used to since age 12. but when i get out there, it s an entirely different world, and it s a changed world, and to be honest with you, i m very, very scared. our crew would soon learn just how scared. every once in a while you meet an inmate who has been in prison so long, that they ve really developed a comfort zone. but ziggy took it to a new level. he apparently was sabotaging his own parole hearing by tampering with his urine test, not to conceal the drug use, but actually to make it appear that
how dysfunctional it is, no matter how bizarre and asinine and ridiculous and stupid. it is very stupid. there s a lot of rules here that are enforced by inmates. many of those inmate enforced rules revolve around racial politics. a lot of the people here have affiliation to gangs. but they asked me who i run with. well, you know, i run with teachers and librarians usually. and when i find them, then i ll run with them. but sort of haven t found too many of them yet. paro must also deal with racial politics in his prison job as a housing clerk. i got a message that you called over here. usually i come in the morning i see who is paroled, if there have been roll-ups, there are beds open. i got 109 up, 242 up. those are open since yesterday.
finding appropriate housing for convicted killers who have continued their violent ways behind bars is always a challenge. a fact dramatically illustrated during our visit to kern valley state prison in california. it s all we got, work, work, work, you know. when we met james randall, he was working his prison job helping officers serve food to his fellow inmates. when we sat down to talk in his cell, randall seemed to only have one concern. how his shaved head looked on camera. there s no lint on my head or nothing? no, you re fine. i m cool. i got a gang out of it. i don t want to be shining. i ll be shining like money. when you interview people in prison, you know they are in there for a good reason. and when you meet them, sometimes they re very likable. they might even be somebody you think you could be friends with. but sometimes you end up hearing a jaw-dropping story.
trouble is enough for him to be proud. if he had took after me, a way different route. and that comes from his mama, a lot of that does. his son, who has just scheduled another visit, has inspired mccrory to be a better role model. he currently has a nonpaying prison job as an orderly but today is applying for a much better job as a clerk in the staff canteen. how much does it pay? $75 a month. it just keeps the pressure off your family from having to send so much money. cuts down on what they send. mccrory must interview for the job with the classification team. you have past experience working at canteen? yes, sir, at county correctional facility. how long did you work in the canteen? one year, sir. did you have any problems while you were doing it? no, sir, no problem. you will be working with staff directly. it is a good job. you need to have the appropriate mannerisms. yes, sir. do you have any questions about the job? no, sir. you understand this is