Trauka. And for years we have talked about it and talked about it and when we try to engage the department of health, we got yes we understand its a priority but we dont know what to do. In november october last year in 20 2012, we had the Southeast Mental Health summit around trauma. And a large segment of the community and dph and we put together a plan that was adopted by the San Francisco Mental Health board. And signed on by all communitybased organizations that provide Mental Health services. I am saying that we have a plan in d10 and we know how to get started. Now its time to quit saying its a problem but dont know what to do. But invest dollars into an infrastructure to build a firstclass model around the community. The statistics is that 43 of people coming in clinics in bayviewhunters point, 60 depression and 40 anxiety. We have a major, major problem in d10. And we need it start addressing it. Thank you very much. Good afternoon, some of you in the audience probably know wh
We see the workbased knowledge and opportunities that are here. But we refuse to allow our Southeast Community to be left behind from opportunities and wealth in San Francisco now. We recognize that environmental complications have impacted the maturation of some of our young people development. We will not let uninformed futility curve our aspirations to regaining our position as a complete and thriving community. Here at the Southeast Community facility thanks in parts to a btop grant administered through the city of college of San Francisco Community Network Information Technology department. Some of whom those members are here standing around the room. I see a half dozen or so. Advocated by the chairwomanas city college, and mr. Al yeatts and others. We have established Media Opportunity and entrepreneurship opportunity through a simple class. With the support of southeast facility if you give me 30 seconds. Of dr. Jackson and the black leadership chapter we have provided for a Mod
I am director of california lawyers for the arts. We very much appreciate the funding from the department of children, youth and families, that has been a part of our effort for a number of years. This is our 20th year to provide internships for high school students, many from bayview with art programs and we look to expand that program to include forprofit businesses. Including old navy and startup design companies, and as well as nonprofit art organizations. We provide training and communication skills, the socalled soft skills that are important to keep jobs and continue on a career that is meaningful. I want to speak on the San Francisco Art Commission and the proposal to extend cultural equity grants that is important for communities throughout San Francisco. I was part of a task force for many years that established that program. Thank you for your consideration. And thank you to all the community for being here tonight. Thank you. Good evening, i am jackie flin, i am executive d
Next five speakers. Alma robinson. Jackie flin. Delores mcgee. Eddie zane. Erin yen. Al Alma Robinson [repeating] this is erin yen. Thank you very much. Good evening supervisors, mr. Mayor. I really appreciate you coming to my neighborhood, district 10. And listening to so many committed citizens who have turned out tonight. I am here to speak on behalf of a couple programs, first of all a thank you. My name is Alma Robinson. I am director of california lawyers for the arts. We very much appreciate the funding from the department of children, youth and families, that has been a part of our effort for a number of years. This is our 20th year to provide internships for high school students, many from bayview with art programs and we look to expand that program to include forprofit businesses. Including old navy and startup design companies, and as well as nonprofit art organizations. We provide training and communication skills, the socalled soft skills that are important to keep jobs an
Not too many years ago when dreams werent coming true id reach for inspiration, sometimes it would be you id hear you on the radio i sure did like your song its good to know theres still you with country boys around imus in the morning dont you love it . You cant take your eyes off it, can you . Well dont because the dow looks set to go up some more. Good morning, everybody. And enjoy the ride while it lasts, the indicators suggest that when the market opens in just a couple of minutes, stocks will go up some more. The dow may get close to 14,300 and all of those tech stocks will carry the nasdaq to the best level since the fall of 2000. I do not know how stocks will close today and i dont know how long these record levels will hold, but after five years of financial misery, maybe you can crack a smile. On todays program, were looking for new highs early on and yes, we are going to talk to the rally deniers. Were fair and balanced. This is fun. Varney company is about to begin. [ indis