self-employed. there are certain job hunting expenses that are deductible under the internal revenue code. the cost of drafting and printing a resume, the cost of printing business cards, career coaches, travel and transportation while you are looking for a job. for example, if you drive from your home to an interview, you are allowed to deduct 55 cents for every mile you drive as a job hunting expense. if you are an employee or former employee and have not become an independent contractor, your ability to deduct those job hunting expenses is limited to the extent they exceed 2% of your adjusted gross income. that s a higher threshold. it is. so if someone had, let s say, adjusted gross income of $40,000, they can only deduct their job hunting expenses to the extent they exceeded 2% of that or $800. if you become self-employed, you become a consultant, you can deduct all those expenses without any limitation whatsoever. okay.