to other nations on things like science, i think we need more. katie: the problem is in schools they are not teaching science and math and reading. they are teaching about how you feel and what your gender is that day. maybe if they would focus on basic principles of learning and education, k-12 and in college, then they wouldn t have so much homework at home. tom: when you were young, in grammar school, you didn t have a lot of homework. doug: i went to hunter elementary school. you can look it up. the hardest math. we had homework, trust me. dana: why aren t we for letting the teacher decide? it s a mandate. teachers, let them figure it out. tom: they can figure it out because they have all this testing that needs to be done. dana: when i got home from school, i liked to play school. tom: you wanted more of it. air canada causing controversy after christmas eve flight that was halfway to hawaii and forced to turn back due to a maintenance issue.