Princess Hisako, the widow of former Emperor Akihito's cousin, has tested positive for the coronavirus, the Imperial Household Agency said Wednesday, making her the fifth COVID-19 case within the Japanese imperial family. The 69-year-old princess, who had a fever that rose to 38 C at one point, still feels some…
Princess Hisako, the widow of former Emperor Akihito s cousin, has tested positive for the coronavirus, the Imperial Household Agency says, making her the fifth COVID-19 case within the Japa
Princess Nobuko, widow of Prince Tomohito of Mikasa, has been diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer and is scheduled to undergo surgery this weekend, the Imperial Household Agency said on Nov. 15.
Princess Nobuko, widow of Prince Tomohito of Mikasa, has been diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer and is scheduled to undergo surgery this weekend, the Imperial Household Agency said Tuesday. The 67-year-old princess will be admitted to Keio University Hospital in Tokyo on Wednesday, with the operation to be performed on…