Filmmaker Prasanth Varma, who is gearing up for the superhero movie 'HanuMan', opened up on choosing this story, rather than focusing on Indian epics like 'Ramayana' or 'Mahabharata'.The 'Kalki' director said as a filmmaker he was not ready to .
Promotional material is very crucial for any movie to create buzz or heighten prospects. Teja Sajja and Prasanth Varma’s Hanu-Man is one such film that
The first song Hanuman Chalisa was an instant hit, while the second song Superhero Hanuman appealed not just to children, but also to the elders. Today,
HYDERABAD As Children’s Day Treat from director Prasanth Varma and the whole team of ‘HanuMan’, the makers have released a Children’s Day special song with