Airtel has launched a prepaid plan priced at Rs 666 that has a validity of 77 days. Jio and Vi also offer prepaid plans priced at Rs 666 with long-term benefits.
According to Airtel's terms and conditions, users would get to activate amazon prime offer with airtel. The video quality will be in SD. Only one person will be able to see it, according to the telco.
Airtel has launched a prepaid plan priced at Rs 666 that has a validity of 77 days. Jio and Vi also offer prepaid plans priced at Rs 666 with long-term benefits.
Starring John Abraham, Divya Khosla Kumar, Rajeev Pillai, and Anup Soni, Satyameva Jayate 2 is directed by Milap Zaveri, and produced by T-Series and Emmay Entertainment Satyameva Jayate 2 is set to have its streaming premiere on Prime Video on 23 December in India and more than 240 countries and territories worldwide Amazon Prime offers an incredible value with unlimited