RBI said the fintech lenders can provide a default cover for up to 5% of the loan portfolio of the bank and also back in the form of cash deposits, deposits
RBI said the fintech lenders can provide a default cover for up to 5% of the loan portfolio of the bank and also back in the form of cash deposits, deposits
RBI said the fintech lenders can provide a default cover for up to 5% of the loan portfolio of the bank and also back in the form of cash deposits, deposits
Kunal Shah-led Cred acquired Happay in a cash-and-stock deal worth $180 million to add to its suite of fintech offerings in 2021. The company s early backers include Sequoia and Prime Venture Partners,
The contrasting perspective regarding India stack and the adoption of digital services in the country differs from the common belief that India stack has been highly successful right from Aadhar which provided unique identities to individuals, to the creation of a broader range of open APIs