The government has organised its first investment roadshow to Japan after the pandemic, aiming to draw funds for electric vehicles (EVs), smart electronics, the medical field, tourism and services, and the bio-, circular and green (BCG) economic model.
Finance Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith insists Thailand still has enough fiscal stability to support the government to grow the economy despite the double whammy of soaring food and oil prices driven by strong demand and the Russia-Ukraine war.
Thailand cannot contemplate any interest hikes until its economy is fully recovered, and fiscal and monetary policy will continue to support businesses and an economic recovery, the finance minister said on Wednesday. The government is aiming for 4per cent economic growth this year while trying to develop new growth engines such as startups and digital .
Japan wants to maintain Thailand as its key production base, agreeing on Thursday to move ahead with cooperation plans on green industry and advanced technological development.