7 Mar 2021 at 16:29
Last week I did an interview with Justine Greening for her podcast, Fit for Purpose, which you can listen to here.
They ve transcribed some of it. Enjoy!
Iain Dale Podcast
Political commentator, broadcaster, author and podcaster Iain Dale talks to us about doing his dream job, feeling out of place in the world of politics and the best piece of advice he’s ever been given.
Q// Are you doing your dream job?
A// I am doing my dream job. When you work for a commercial station (LBC), you constantly get asked whether you would rather work for the BBC. I always say no because I couldn’t do what I do on the BBC - I do three hours with no script whatsoever, I’m the editor of my own programme so I decide what we’re going to do along with my producers and we don’t very often disagree on anything.
All right, ladies and gents, let s be having you, it s Christmas quiz time.
Today s special prize is a one-legged turkey hold it up, Rodders, let the customers have a good gander at the bird.
This magnificent bit of festive poultry is free for £10 to the first person who can tell me which of these unlikely facts about David Jason is actually true.
It s Christmas quiz time. It should be easy, if you were paying attention during Britain s Favourite TV Star (C5), a celebration of the Del Boy actor at 80
It should be easy, if you were paying attention during Britain s Favourite TV Star (C5), a celebration of the Del Boy actor at 80. So which is it: