What is the one superpower that most professionals leave to chance? Asking questions, says Amit Somani
Amit Somani, Managing Partner at Prime Venture Partners, believes that for one to ask a question, one has to have understood whatever was being explained.
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I have observed in meetings (both individual and group settings), conferences, and even in social settings that people are hesitant to ask questions. I don t know of anyone who is smart and who does not ask good questions. Asking questions is a sign of intelligence. As children, we are fearless and inquisitive. As we grow older and get busy with our professions, we tend to get a bit reticent.
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April Dunford is currently working as a consultant in the field of market positioning. She has already launched 16 successful products in the market and has previously worked with many companies as the CEO, COO, and VP of Marketing.
April is the
founder of Ambient Strategy based in Toronto, serves as a board member at Sampler and MESH/diversity, and recently penned a book titled
“Obviously Awesome – How to Stand out in Noisy Crowded Markets”.
On Amit Somani’s invite, April Dunford was recently available to share her expertise (and a few excerpts from her book) in a Prime Ventures podcast. The conversation touched upon the important points of how she positions her products, how to go about customer segmentation, and more. Here is a summary.