Statements. The whistleblower got caught with chairman schiff. Remember chairman schiff, the person that the democrats instead of the House Judiciary Committee which spent a full week on this, thats not whos been in charge. The person they put in charge was the person that got caught with the whistleblower. Have you spoken directly with the whistleblower . No, we have not. Wed like to. That wasnt true. The person that said he had evidence of the first fake impeachment scam, collusion with russia, had evidence of that collusion and didnt have it. The person who in the course of that read into the record the steele dossier because the people needed to know the truth about what happened. Well, we heard about the truth about the steele dossier this week when the Inspector General told us it was all garbage, rubbish, all made up, yeah, that chairman schiff, and now he got caught not being truthful about
a whistleblower who as i said you the other day didnt Tell The Truth verbally and in wri
the president didn t have corrupt intent and that s why the democrats cannot make out a prime fascia case. contrary to shift s parody version of the july 25 call, the president wasn t asking the ukraine to, quote unquote, make up dirt about my opponent. that quote came from a parody from chairman schiff. the president didn t say it in the phone call. for whatever reason that is being missed. there was also significant reason to believe that the bidens were involved in corruption and there s also evidence ukrainian officials colluded with democrats in the 2016 campaign. there s been a lot of talk about this being a conspiracy theory. it s not a speconspiracy theory. also, the president was not seeking to help with his 2020 campaign. rather, he was seeking accountability regarding ukraine democrat collusion in 2016 and
such nonsense. this town is full of trump haters. his attorney generals have ginned up this ridiculous story because he wants a book deal and probably wants to work for cnn. you are assuming a lot of facts, fred, for an analyst. i don t even think your center would allow it to be accomplished. and you know you want to talk a prime fascia case. the president is coming after him directly, constantly and consistently. you don t think that matters? let me tell you, as somebody who knows the sting of that, it changes your life, friend. as i said, this city is full of trump haters. i suspect this person is biding his time, going to come out this is all just speculation. you don t know anything about it. it s fine to be suspicious, let see what happens. but we protect whistleblowers for a reason. let me ask you something, under the category of people talking smack without basis, you know that people around trump, you say there are a lot of trump