Especially for women. It s more comfortable to come into the mosque with other ladies that are having it done.
The queue for the men s Covid vaccinations at the Norwich Central Mosque. Picture: DENISE BRADLEY
- Credit: DENISE BRADLEY/Archant2021
Sisters Syeda Shah, left, and Jawaria Syed, centre, and their mum, Asra Zoofishan, chat after having their Covid vaccinations at the Norwich Central Mosque. Picture: DENISE BRADLEY
- Credit: DENISE BRADLEY/Archant2021
The CCG is working with community and faith leaders where there is some hesitancy, to encourage people to take up the vaccine and counter misinformation.
Khadijat Adegoke, clinical pharmacist, ready to administer the Covid vaccination to Asra Zoofishan at the Norwich Central Mosque. Picture: DENISE BRADLEY