One was anxious while another watched a movie with her kid during the exams. The dreaded Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE) ended on Oct 4 and these Singapore celebrity mums are celebrating the win with their 12-year-old children. Posting on the same day of the last paper, Jacelyn Tay took to Instagram to share how happy she was that the.
Stay in the know with a recap of our top stories today. 1, Huat ah: Mercedes-Benz has a cool new mahjong set that will drive you crazy If you love luxury cars and a good game of mahjong, Mercedes-Benz's sleek mahjong set is sure to pique your interest. The luxurious set went viral in a post on Aug 23 on.
While some parents would panic on behalf of their kids before a major exam, others go easy on themselves. Local television host Diana Ser used to be the former when it came to her eldest child's Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE), but seems to have gotten tired of it now that she's going through it for the third time with.