organizations including those two and others it seems obvious as a prima facia level they re trying to cover up the truth of what happened in i instance, more warrantly whimportantly wh trying to cover up by removing comey, donald trump is trying to cover up whatever is at the heart of the russia story. it s still a huge open question what that is does it touch the president or only his associates? does it touch his businesses? does it touch his family? is it personal? is it financial? is it sexual? i don t know. the way they re bebehaving, lie firings, they re behaving like people who have something very bad they re trying to keep from becoming public and that s the dictionary definition of a cover-up. that s what we re in the middle of. this idea that they are covering up something, it seems like unless you have something to cover up, why do you ask three times if you re under investigation? yes. although, again, i don t i mean, we now have a version of the truth from donald tr
rendell. you must be in shock watching this performance. are you a guy who was district attorney, assistant d.a. before that, mayor of a big city, governor. you did everything the normal way in politics. you shook hands, you meet people, you serve the public. and here is a guy with this whackiness of saying stuff we don t know if anything he says is true. and there is no reason to be prima facia agreeing to everything that he says is true. and he s on the cover of time magazine. person of the year and he s president-elect of the united states. what do you make of this world we live in? my successor had an expression saying it boggles my entire mind. and that boggles my entire mind. how donald trump, who attacked barack obama s citizenship, led a birther movement in this country and around the world, who called obama a terrorist sympathizer, who said he was the father of isis, how he could switch after one meeting and a few phone calls all of a sudden
bannon brought him to the table. bannon is very much like trump s old closest advisor. the really awful roy cohn. a liar, a slanderer, sbu someone who slashes and burns. we re going to see that in bannon, and yet we have the institutional presidency that obama has tried to convince trump has to be respected, but when you set up a situation with no blind trust for a financial empire like this, it is a prima facia case of insider trading and that s what we now see in front of us and is an immediate task, it seems to me, for those who oppose this kind of thing and hillary clinton would never have been permitted to do this with chelsea clinton even being head of the foundation. so it s inherent tensions. you lay it all out the right way, carl, however, it s not as simple as it would have been with chelsea clinton, right?
mr. hayward a bit coy because he decides to support neither polygamy nor same-sex marriage. key woo we consider them prima-facia for the red eye debate. live from the new and improved red eye debate center. red eye debate panelists. for the purpose of argument let s assume all america supports marriage equality and why shouldn t we allow polygamists get in on this act. is polygamy bad? we should ask hillary clinton and she would have something to say. if she would have accepted all of those women we could have saved ourselves a lot ofle. what is the difference if you have a husband who strays anyway right? an anthony, a real question. the fella on breightbard who
mr. hayward a bit coy because he decides to support neither polygamy nor same-sex marriage. key woo we consider them prima-facia for the red eye debate. live from the new and improved red eye debate center. red eye debate panelists. for the purpose of argument let s assume all america supports marriage equality and why shouldn t we allow polygamists get in on this act. is polygamy bad? we should ask hillary clinton and she would have something to say. if she would have accepted all of those women we could have saved ourselves a lot of trouble. what is the difference if you have a husband who strays anyway right? an anthony, a real question. the fella on breightbard who