Red wave was coming, saying he was ahead in early voting. President trump one michigan in 2016, and the political report rates michigan as liens democrat. Across the plains from sea to shining sea from new york to l. A. Where the pride in every american heart american to be an and its time we stand and say. That im proud to be an american where at least i know im free i wont forget the men who died who gave that right to me i gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today because there aint no doubt i love this land god bless the usa and im proud to be an american where at least i know im free and i wont forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today because there aint no doubt i love this land god bless the usa [applause] President Trump thank you very much, thank you. What a crowd. What a crowd. Ive been here many times. I say we want car plants built here, we are building a lot of them. Hello michigan, great to
To participate in another proceeding please exit this one and like back in later. Any that a member encounters technical issues that prevent them from being recognized from their questioning i will move to the next available member of the same body and will recognize the member of the next appropriate timeslot provided they have returned to the proceeding. In the event the witness loses connectivity during testimony or questioning i will preserve their time as staff address technical issue. I may need to recess the proceedings to provide time for the witness to reconnect. Finally remembered to remain muted until you recognize to minimize background noise. Over the last few months the outbreak of covid19 has led to an unprecedented Public Health crisis and creating a dire economic crisis for small firms. Three out of four businesses are experiencing a decrease in revenue and over half of Small Businesses are concerned about being forced to close. Small businesses across the Food Supply
Ladies and gentlementhe president of the United States, donald trump. [music]. [music]. [music]. [music] [cheering] thank you very much. Thank you, lets see. Its 1 30. This is a hell of a crowd for 1 30 in theafternoon. [chanting] usa, usa, usa. Its fantastic to be back in North Carolina with thousands of loyal, hardworking americanpatriots. 19 days from now, think of that area 19 days. Were going to win the state of North Carolina. Were going to win 4 more years in the whitehouse. This election is a simple choice. If biden wins, china wins. You see whats going on. And when we win, North Carolina wins and america wins. Its very simple. For the last 47 years, joe bidens been putting the workers of North Carolina through one active economic drudgery after another and you see whats happening, they got caught kneeling. Bidens wealthy donors and globalists and special interests who got rich are bleeding america dry, taking your jobs from North Carolina and every other place and moving them
Welcome to the to todays hearing. Pursuant house rules, some members will appear inperson and others will appear remotely via webex. Some members are appearing in person, let me first remind everyone that pursuant to the latest guidance from the house attending physician, all individuals attending this hearing in person must wear a face mask unless they are speaking. Members who are not wearing a facemask will not be recognized. Let me also make a few reminders to those members appearing in person. You will only see members and witnesses appearing remotely on monitor in front of you when you are speaking in what is known in web ex as active speaker view. A timer is visible in the room directly in front of you. For members appearing remotely, i know you are all familiar with web ex by now but let me remind everyone of a few points. First, you will be able to see each person speaking during the hearing. Whether theyre there in person or remote. As long as you have your web ex set to acti
[applause] President Trump this is a lot of people. Thank you very much. That is a big group of people. This is on fast notice, too. Thank you. [crowd chants usa] to saynt trump i want hello, minnesota. We love you, minnesota. You are great. [applause] we are going to win minnesota because they did nothing for me to soda except close up that beautiful iron or territory. They closed it with a pen. Do you remember that . I came along and i opened it up. I am thrilled to be here with the beautiful, great, hardworking people of this incredible state. You are really hardworking american patriots, that is what you are. A lot of people have not been treated right until i came along. We have done a lot of work and a lot of good work. You had your best year ever. The state had the best year ever. 46 days from now, we are going to win minnesota and we are going to win four more years. One of the most vital issues in this election is the subject of refugees. You know it perhaps better than almost